Manager, Exploration Business Development
Newmont Australia Ltd
10 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA
Site Manager, P.T.Horas Nauli
Aek Pining, Batangtoru
Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
Bronto Sutopo
Project Geologist, P.T.Horas Nauli
Aek Pining, Batangtoru
Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
Key Words: epithermal; high sulphidation; acid sulphate alteration, phreatomagmatic breccias, felsic dome complex.
Martabe high sulphidation gold deposits are hosted in a sequence of Tertiary
volcanic and sedimentary rocks proximal to a fault splay that forms part of the
Great Sumatran Fault complex. Episodic fault activity, related to wrench
tectonics associated with the oblique subduction of the Indian Australian plate
below the Eurasian plate, has been responsible for pulses of high level
magmatism and development of multi-stage phreatomagmatic breccias, flow dome
complexes, hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralisation observed in the
Local structural architecture is
consistent with the dextral strike slip tectonics observed on a regional scale
with a major northwest to north-northwest fault set forming a prominent scarp
that bounds the west side of the Purnama deposit. A well developed conjugate
set of northeast extensional faults bisect the stratigraphy immediately to the
east. These faults provide fluid channel ways that have localised and
superimposed multiple alteration and mineralisation events on the rock mass.
As indicated, the principal host rocks are series of
phreatomagmatic diatreme breccias and dacite flow domes. These have been
intruded into and through a sequence of gently dipping mudstone, siltstone,
sandstone and andesitic lava.
acid-leaching hydrothermal alteration events have produced widespread
texturally destructive silicification.
This has resulted in large volumes of vuggy silica with a tabular
geometry cutting various lithologies and enhancing the permeability of these
host rocks for later higher grade gold bearing fluids.
mineralisation occurs in a number of deposits over a strike length of seven
kilometres. The most significant and best defined of these is the Purnama
deposit, where a resource of 66.7 million tonnes containing 1.74 g/t Au and
21.5 g/t Ag for a total of 3.7 million ounces of gold and 46 million ounces of
silver has been defined by diamond drilling.
Despite intense copper gold exploration efforts of the 1980s and 1990s in Indonesia, it is remarkable that the Purnama deposit was only discovered late in this period, two kilometres from the Trans Sumatra Highway near the town of Batangtoru with an population of 12,000 people.
In October 1993
Normandy Anglo Asian Indonesia made an
application for a Contract of Work (COW) in the Sibolga District of North
Sumatra. The COW, covering an area of 659,600 ha, was eventually granted in
April 1997. Regional exploration and obligatory land relinquishment has since
reduced land tenure to the present holding of 256,300 ha shown on Figure 1.
Figure 1: Location of the Martabe Gold Deposits, Sumatra, Indonesia
The Martabe gold system was discovered in late 1997 using regional BLEG (Bulk Leach Extractable Gold) stream sediment sampling techniques and the anomalies were defined using soil sampling on a 100 by 50 metre grid.
The best gold soil geochemistry was identified in talus below the Purnama hill on the western margins of the Purnama fault, which led to the discovery of the Purnama deposit. Exploration has also identified mineralisation within the Martabe District at Pelangi, Baskara, Kejora and Gerhana, as shown on Figure 2. These high sulphidation epithermal gold deposits are hosted in variable lithologies with strong structural controls.
Since 1998, exploration has
focused on the Purnama deposit, which has been defined by 25,686 metres of
drilling in 67 diamond holes on a 50 by 50 metre grid. The project is currently in Pre-Feasibility
with a reported resource of 66.7 million tonnes at a grade of 1.74 g/t Au and 21.5
g/t Ag for a total of 3.7 million ounces of gold and 46 million ounces of
Figure 2: Regional Geological Interpretation of the Martabe District
The northwest trending
fault to the west of the Purnama deposit is interpreted as being a subordinate
strand of the Great Sumatran Fault and would be expected to have a history that
included a significant component of lateral movement. Structural preparation
introduced zones of high permeability, which allowed magma to be emplaced at
high crustal levels. Structural field data supports this interpretation and
does suggest that dextral displacement occurred along the fault.
The complex stress and
resultant strain environment means that a vertical movement was likely and the
juxtaposition of different rock types by northwest faults is evident. Although
post-mineral faulting is also recognised, the amount of offset has yet to be
A major feature of this
structural environment is the development of the conjugate sets of extensional
en echelon faults that have been used as channel ways for hydrothermal fluids,
now recognizable as zones of more intense silica alteration and veining. The
steeply dipping fault orientations from north-northwest to northeast are very
obvious and are clearly the major control on silicification and mineralisation.
A third fault set oriented east-west is also observed, these are contractional
with a component of reverse movement.
northwest trending Purnama fault divides the geology of the Martabe district
into two distinct geological domains. To the west, where outcrop and geological
knowledge is limited, lithologies are relatively undisturbed, weakly altered
and include a sequence of mudstone, siltstone, sandstone and basaltic to
andesitic lava. To east of the Purnama fault where the geology is considerably
more complex, similar lithologies have been subjected to intense multi-phase
magmatic, phreatomagmatic and hydothermal events. The resulting stratigraphy is
markedly different from that preserved to the west.
3 shows a simplified interpreted geology of the Purnama Deposit. The northwest
trending fault set clearly juxtaposes unaltered basalt andesite to the west
against highly altered stratigraphy to the east. Late movement on this fault is
highly probable but has not been quantified.
volcano-sedimentary sequence has been intruded by multi-phase phreatomagmatic
breccias. The thicker breccia units show distinct facies variation. Lithic-rich
facies at the base pass upwards through a finer grained, matrix supported,
facies containing accretionary balls up to facies at the top of the sequence
containing abundant wispy juvenile clasts of felsic volcanics.
emplacement of these early phreatomagmatic diatreme breccias was followed by
the intrusion of a dacitic flow dome complex. Multiple diatreme facies
superimposed each other at Purnama are thought to be coetaneous with early
dacitic intrusive activity to the north. Phreatomagmatic breccias of various
ages that have partially destroyed the sedimentary sequences, are exposed in a
concentric geometry around the late hornblende andesite intrusive.
To demonstrate the interpreted geology of the Purnama deposit, a series of cross-sections spaced 200 meters apart are shown in Figure 4. Each of the lithological units is briefly described below.
The basaltic andesite is green with an aphanitic to finely porphyritic texture. Phenocrysts consist of fine to medium grained feldspars and this unit is unaltered to weakly chloritic.
volcanic breccia consists of a sequence of fragmental units with intercalated,
carbonaceous mudstone, siltstone and fine-grained sandstone. The principal rock
type is a coarse heterolithic, matrix supported fragmental rock, with low
matrix/fragment ratio. Clasts are predominantly of quartz-sandstone, siltstone
and volcanic. The matrix varies from
fine grained mud through to coarse sand. These fragmental rocks were originally
thought to represent a volcaniclastic density flow unit deposited off an
eroding arc. As the geology of Purnama becomes better understood the fragmental
units are recognised as intrusive diatreme that has been injected along bedding
planes within the sandstone, siltstone sequence and not volcaniclastic density
flows as originally thought. The high proportion of sedimentary clasts, the
muddy to sandy matrix and the concentric morphology of the units around the
center of the diatreme complex would support this.
The porphyritic
andesite is an easily recognisable unit, irrespective of the degree of
alteration and is a useful marker unit within a stratigraphy made up of
predominantly diatreme breccia facies. The rock has a porphyritic texture made
up of approximately 25% phenocrysts, many of them plagioclase crystals. It is
interpreted to be a lava flow, probably of submarine origin and is an important
host rock for mineralisation because of its proximity to the mineralising fault
system. The top and the base both show
crackle brecciation, which is indurated by fluidised phreatomagmatic and
hydrothermal breccias.
phreatomagmatic diatreme breccia units show temporal and spatial variability in
texture and composition. These multi-phase breccias, which vary in width and
form, have been intruded into the sequence of siltstone and mudstone, both
above and below the porphyritic andesite. Evidence for this is the high
sedimentary composition of the breccia both as matrix and as clasts and the
preservation of the mudstone and siltstone units both in and between phreatomagmatic
units. Within the thicker breccia
sequences, there are recognisable facies.
The earliest phase of brecciation is expressed as a muddy matrix breccia
in steep contact with pre-existing wall rocks and with numerous irregular
fluidised breccia dykes that invaded the wall rocks along fractures and
stratigraphic contacts. The main
breccia body varies from clast-support to matrix-rich, all with a dark gray
fluidised matrix, commonly with accretionary balls. The dark gray matrix is attributed to the abundance of comminuted
carbonaceous mudstone wall rock that was incorporated in the breccia. A
juvenile-rich facies, which occurs at the top of the sequence, typically
contain lithic fragments with plastic deformation. Size of juvenile clasts
varies from four centimetres to few millimetres. The juvenile component, which
defines the direct magmatic input, is wispy-textured dacitic clasts. The textures in this breccia are very
similar to those described from the diatreme breccia at Kelian (Davies et al,
1999), even though the style of mineralisation is different.
At least two ages of phreatomagmatic breccias are recognised and are distinguished by alteration type or by the composition of their clasts. Phreatomagmatic facies host high-grade mineralisation where they are in contact with mineralising fluids in zones of structural complexity.
lithologies at Purnama are cut by a late stage phreatomagmatic breccia, which
contains clasts of both the earlier silicified phreatomagmatic breccias and
dacitic lithologies. It is generally a coarse heterolithic fragmental breccia,
typically containing andesite, siltstone, fine sandstone, silica and quartz
vein clasts. This unit is often faulted, slickensides and gouge material are
dacite porphyry outcrops to the east and north of Purnama deposit and is
interpreted to be part of an extensive flow dome complex. The rock is
predominantly porphyritic with 5-7% quartz eyes, 20% plagioclase crystals, with
some biotite and hornblende. This unit includes autobreccias, flow banded and
base surge deposits, as well as fine pyroclastic rocks with the same
composition. The pyroclastic rocks are characterised by the presence of angular
quartz crystal fragments. Volcanic dacite is locally altered to vuggy silica
with advanced argillic and argillic alteration assemblages. It is interpreted that as groundwater was depleted during
the cycle of brecciation, dacitic magma was able to rise to the surface as a
flow dome which partly infilled the diatreme breccia column. Flow banding is observed on the margins of
this unit.
The hornblende andesite is also a
porphyritic rock and contains 10% hornblende crystals, 15% plagioclase crystals
and less than 2% quartz phenocrysts. Fine-grained xenoliths of same composition
are common and alignment in the crystals (flow foliation) can be identified in
some intervals. This rock is crosscut by calcite and zeolite veinlets. Mapping
has shown that the quartz-hornblende andesite occurs in the central part of
Purnama area and may extend to the northeast. It has a circular geometry (about
500m diameter) that coincides with negative gold soil geochemistry. This unit,
which can be interpreted as a dome, shows typical propylitic alteration, is
unmineralised and considered to be late stage.
many high sulfidation deposits, the epithermal mineralisation at Purnama
follows extreme acid sulphate leaching of the wall rock. It is difficult to
demonstrate clear alteration zonation at Purnama because multiple
phreatomagmatic and alteration events have been superimposed on each other. The
juxtaposition of phreatomagmatic rocks and timing of different alteration
events means that the alteration contacts between breccias units are often
alteration at Purnama is typical of many high sulfidation systems. The early
stage acid-sulphate alteration event produce zoned advanced argillic alteration
with vuggy to massive silica alteration enveloped by silica/dickite/alunite,
grading out to silica – illite and peripheral argillic alteration zones as the
initial acidic vapor phase was progressively neutralised by the wall rocks and
groundwater. This style of alteration is focused around the major structures
and the immediate wall rocks.
Figure 3: Geological Interpretation of the Purnama Deposit
Figure 4: Cross Sectional Geology of the
Purnama Deposit
is a very strong correlation between gold mineralisation and silicification as
shown in Figure 5. The silicification has not only produced a vuggy permeable
host, but also a host subject to brittle fracture created by subsequent
tectonic events.
term quartzification for this style of alteration is strictly more correct than
silicification. Silicification implies the addition of silica rather than the
depletion of all other elements leaving residual silica. Degrees of
“silicification” can be attributed to both differences in permeability due to
composition of the original lithologies and to the degree of acid leaching.
In some acid sulphate deposits, zones
of barren granular silica have been recorded. This type of alteration is
attributed to the alteration of the steam-heated zone above the
paleo-watertable. At Purnama, there is
some evidence of granular silica from outcrop, although more massive silica
with very low gold occurs at the top of the deposit and may be attributed to a
similar mechanism.
Figure 5
Section 167200N Showing the Relationship between Lithology, Structure, Alteration and Mineralization
The silicification and the mineralisation are clearly
controlled by both structure and permissive lithologies. The mineralised zone at Purnama
extends about 1.2 km by 1 km in a zone between the southern margin of the
breccia dacite dome complex and a north-northwest trending fault scarp. Several stages of mineralisation have been
Ø Early phase of silica - pyrite
mineralisation with low gold grades (0.1 – 0.5 g/t Au) is associated with or
immediately after the main acid sulphate alteration event.
Ø Colloform banded chalcedonic silica
veins with quartz / bladed carbonate ‘boiling’ textures contain low gold grades (0.1 – 1 g/t Au). These
silicified zones are characterised by locally dense zones of chalcedonic silica
veins with individual veins varying from < 1 centimetre to over 1 metre wide. At Purnama these veins trend from almost
north-south to 020 - 030° and are steep dipping. Although the colloform and crustiform banding and presence of
quartz ‘boiling’ textures indicate potentially mineralised veins, for the most
part these are apparently low-grade to barren of gold, with some apparent
exceptions perhaps due to overprinting mineralisation. This well-developed, low
sulphidation vein phase, which overprints the acid-sulphate alteration zone, is
unusual in a high sulphidation system. An evolution of high sulphidation mineralization to intermediate
and low-sulphidation stages is recognized at El Indio in Chile, and also at the
Lepanto district in the northern Philippines where the veins develop along
strike from the high-sulphidation mineralisation. At Martabe the low
sulphidation system is superimposed on the high sulphidation system. One
similarity with both El Indio and Lepanto is that the low sulphidation vein
mineralisation is related to major strike-slip faults.
main-stage enargite / luzonite mineral assemblage marks a return to high
sulphidation mineralisation. This mineralisation has associated with covellite,
native sulphur, pyrite, bismuthinite, barite, and marcasite occurring in
fractures and vugs which are mostly oxidized. In the sulphide zone gold is
present as free grains and within enargite.
The silver is also present in the enargite / luzonite and as proustite /
pyrargyrite inclusions in bismuthinite.
Consistent with many other high sulphidation deposits, the main stage of gold
mineralisation is late in the evolution of the hydrothermal system. At Martabe the higher gold grades are
associated with late-stage fracturing, and crackle-type brecciation of the
silicified rocks marginal to the late clay-altered diatreme breccia. This fracturing and brecciation also clearly
cuts the chalcedonic silica veins. It is interpreted that the emplacement of
the later diatreme breccia was responsible for this fracturing and brecciation
in competent (silicified) rocks around the diatreme margins and the diatreme
itself became an impermeable hangingwall barrier due to the pervasive clay
alteration. Similar clay alteration of
syn- to pre-mineral diatreme breccias is recognised at Yanacocha and is
attributed to a large influx of groundwater and neutralisation of the magmatic
volatiles immediately following the breccia emplacement (S.J.Turner 2002).
oxidation profile is highly irregular, reflecting the distribution of
structural breaks and host rocks with good secondary permeability. Although some remobilisation of gold can be
expected in the oxidised zone the lack of coarse, free gold and the presence of
high silver values, indicates that there is likely to be little supergene upgrade
of the gold values. Arguably, the high-grade zone probably reflects primary
depositional gold grades rather than a zone of secondary enrichment.
late-stage gold mineralisation is temporally distinct from the earlier silica –
pyrite alteration and as it is predominantly fracture and breccia controlled is
more susceptible to oxidation than the earlier silica pyrite. This means that the fracture-controlled
mineralization is predominantly oxidised. The percentage of late stage iron
oxide in fractures and crackle breccias rather than the proportion of sulphide
in the rock is likely to be the best indicator of the gold leachability of the
rock. Barite commonly occurs in these late-stage iron oxide fractures. Scorodite, from the oxidation of arsenical sulfosalts,
may also be present. The presence of
luzonite / enargite – covellite ± pyrite / marcasite in fractures represents
the unoxidised equivalent of the late-stage mineralisation, which is likely to
be refractory. In the geological model, sulphur in sulphide assays were used to
define oxide, transitional and suphide interfaces.
dating of lithology and alteration types is in progress. The granite horst to
the east of the deposit has returned a date of 209 Ma. The following chronology
has been therefore constructed from empirical relationships of magmatic,
phreatomagmatic, alteration and mineralisation events observed in the core:
Date |
Event |
Empirical Relationship |
Older |
Hornblende Andesite |
Cuts all lithologies, unaltered
and unmineralised. Negative soil
geochemistry |
Late stage Phreatomagmatic
Diatreme Breccia |
Clay-altered. Cuts dacite
porphyry, not hornblende andesite. Muddy matrix with clasts of all
lithologies except hornblende andesite.
Unmineralized |
Main-Stage High Sulphidation
Enargite Luzonite mineralization |
In fractures, crackle breccias–
also in dacite. |
Dacite porhyry |
Late-stage felsic flow dome
intruded into diatreme breccia column. Flow dome complex developed to the
north. |
Hydrothermal brecciation |
Contains low sulphidation veins
and acid sulphate altered clasts. |
Low sulphidation veining and
chalcedonic silica |
Cuts and indurates the pervasive
acid sulphate silicification |
Main-stage acid-sulphate
alteration event |
Strong to extreme acid leaching of early
phreatomagmatic breccias and andesite units. |
Early Stage Phreatomagmatic
Diatreme Breccia complex |
Muddy matrix, clasts of
mudstone, siltstones, sandstone and andesite. Shows facies variation in thicker sequences. |
Upper Mudstone/Siltstone |
Porphyritic andesite unit |
Clear marker unit in the
sedimentary sequence. |
Lower Siltstone/Sandstone unit |
18 –
20 MA (fossils) |
Carbonaceous siltstone /
mudstone |
Basaltic Andesite |
Uncertain age relationship. |
209 MA |
Granite |
The authors would like to thank the management of P.T. Horas Nauli and Newmont Mining Corporation for the permission to publish this paper, to Brett Davies and Steve Turner for their major contribution and to John Hammond for his detailed review of the manuscript.
Davies A.G.S, Cooke D.R. and
Gemmell J.B. 1999. Characteristics, Timing and Formation of Diatreme Breccias at the Kelian Gold Deposit,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Davies, B.M, 2002. Report on the
Structural Review of the Martabe Project.
Internal Unpublished Report
Turner, S.J, 2002. Internal
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