Thursday, 22nd October, 2009. 5.30pm for 6pm
Rugby Club, Rugby Place, Circular Quay
Nigel J. Cook
Geology & Geophysics, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
University of Adelaide
“Sulphides and their Dirty Secrets”
Common sulphide minerals such as pyrite and sphalerite can carry a wide
range of trace elements both as solid solution and as submicro- to
nanoscale inclusions. Well-known examples include 'invisible gold' in
pyrite and valuable by-products such as germanium and indium that are
concentrated in sphalerite.
High-precision in situ analytical methods allow measured concentrations
to be correlated with preserved ore textures in the refractory phases,
clearly illustrating the importance of post-depositional processes on
element distribution at the grain scale. Similarly, multi-element
analysis allows for correlation between different elements to identify
substitution mechanisms and for the generation of models for element
behaviour during remobilisation; including a critical assessment of the
paradigm of invisible gold concentration being linked to arsenic
content. Further breakthroughs include understanding how smallest-scale
crystal structures (e.g., polytype or structural defects) can influence
the ability of sulphides to carry minor and trace elements or host
'dirty' inclusions.
Drawing on examples from different types of ore deposits worldwide, the
talk examines the range of exciting new opportunities for applied
research using the current generation of microanalytical facilities. As
well as pyrite and sphalerite, the talk will address other common
sulphides, such as bornite and molybdenite, with respect to correlation
between crystal structure, textures and trace element concentration,
and how this carries implications for both mineral exploration and ore
Sulphides and their Dirty Secrets
Adobe Acrobat version .pdf 22MB Powerpoint Presentation .ppt 27MB
Visit Nigel's previous SMEDG double-header, with GSA: "Gold-telluride deposits - what do we know?" and "The Tetradymite Group - Old Friends Revisited"
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