Subject: Seasons Greetings from the Anthropogenic Climate Change
Sceptics (Militant Wing)
'The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits' - Albert Einstein
‘Extreme weather events are ever present, and there is no evidence of systematic increases’
JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Tackling tribal groupthink
Jim Hawes B.Sc. M.Ed. Dip. Ed. Grad. Cert. Chem. Grad. Cert. Phys., retired science teacher, provides rational views and advice, with some humour....
An Appeal to Science Teachers
Advice to a Journalist
The Real Coal Story
Footprint Dodger
Kermit Kredibility
Oceanic Alarm
From: Geoff Derrick []
Sent: Friday, 23 November 2012 12:57 AM
To: 'Carter, Bob'
Subject: RE: Passionate geology
Hi Bob
I have
just endured
-----Original Message-----
From: Carter, Bob []
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:10
To: Geoff Derrick; 'Kim
Stanton-Cook'; John Nethery; Ian Plimer; 'Viv Forbes'
Subject: RE: Passionate geology
Go, Roger, go, and I am sure that we all understand
the reasons for your impatience.
The scientific arguments that are supposed to support
DAGW have been in tatters for years, yet the political bandwagon simply rolls
on as if all was well with the IPCC’s insane policy advice.
Most remarkable of all, though, is that no group of sensible
business people has emerged on the global scene (even if behind the scenes) to
organize persons like Lindzen, Plimer, Kininmonth et al. into a properly funded
organisation to fight these noxious policies at a fully professional level.
Yes, much money would be needed to market the necessary messages, but unless
you base that expenditure on expert and truly independent scientific advice it
will be largely wasted.
What we are seeing in the West is nothing less than
the destruction of our historically hard-won rationalist polity by emotional
environmental terrorism from within. The response of leading business people,
worldwide, seems to be to shrug and say (i) what does our company need to do to
conform to green political correctness, so that we are not demonized in the
media and threatened by the likes of Greenpeace; and (ii) that taken care of,
how do we make a buck out of this? Richard Branson might be cited as the
holotype for this type of behaviour.
It is hard to believe that so many so well educated
and/or wealthy people can be so very stupid, and their children and ours are in
due course going to pay the price.
Professor Robert (Bob) M. Carter
Geophysical Laboratory
James Cook
Qld. 4811
(mobile): +61-(0)419-701-139
(evening): +61-(0)7-4775-1268
Web home page:
From: Geoff Derrick []
Sent: 22 November 2012 16:52
To: 'Kim Stanton-Cook'; John
Nethery; Carter, Bob; Ian Plimer; 'Viv Forbes'
Subject: Passionate geology
Hi all
Roger Dewhurst had a
rant on WUWT today, re the Gergis/Mann debacle; his passionate words are
not a bad advertisement for making Earth Science the ‘subject de jour’ in our
universities. Without a geological understanding, we are but empty
Roger Dewhurst says:
Climate shroundwavers and
sceptics alike, are engaged in a
totally futile argument over questionable data, questionable models and
questionable interpretation all revolving around ‘data’ collected over a
mere 1/ 10^8 of the history of this planet, and influenced by short term
political perspective. For god’s sake consider how this planet formed
4,500 million years ago, how the crust and mantle differentiated from
the metallic core, how primitive forms of life permitted the formation
of an atmosphere containing oxygen, how volcanoes in the process of a
differentiating crust fed the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, how after
plants populated this planet the carbon in carbon dioxide was deposited
in vast deposits of coal, limestone, chalk, oil and gas. From the
beginning volcanic activity has contributed carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere at a gradually decreasing rate. The rate has changed at
times because volcanic activity has waxed and waned. The vast forests
of carboniferous times soaked up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
and plants have continued to remove it from the atmosphere since then.
The carbon from the atmosphere has been converted, by plants, to peat
and coal on land and to limestone, chalk, oil and gas in the oceans and
oceanic sediments. That process continues today. The tenor of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere has, irregularly, declined to the point where
it is now sub-optimal for the growth of most plants. This has happened
because, on average, the rate of deposition of carbon in soils and
marine sediments has overtaken the rate of emission of carbon dioxide
from volcanic sources both on land and in the oceans. Many things have
influenced climate throughout the history of this planet, among them are
the output of the sun, the orbit of this planet around the sun, the
positions of the land masses on the surface of the planet which
determine the location and strength of the oceanic currents which
transfer heat from equatorial to polar regions, and changes and
reversals of the earth’s magnetic field. Of all these matters we have
much less than total understanding and over none of them do we have any
control whatsoever. Nevertheless we are beset with idiots knowing next
to nothing, obsessed with the number of angels able to dance on the head
of a pin and insisting that we, puny creatures that we are, are about to
destroy the planet by burning a trivial proportion of the coal, oil and
gas reserves stored in the earth’s crust, thus returning to the
atmosphere that which came from it.
Chelmer Office Services
10 Central Avenue Graceville Q
Ph: 3379 2555
Fax: 33792 375
Watts Up with That? - Anthony Watts spots Cancun COP16 delegates signing up to ban di-hydrogen monoxide......
Bob Carter's New Book
Climate: the Counter Consensus
Reviews and on-line order site
Vaclav Klaus in The Spectator-Australia "Thank Heavens for Bob Carter"
From: Geoff
Derrick []
Sent: Monday, 19
November 2012 12:10 PM
To: Kim
Subject: RE: Unsual
for their ABC to be running this.....
Hi Kim
Al Gore works in a similar
mindset to Flannery – see his learned science re Earth’s temperature.
CONAN O'BRIEN, HOST: Now, what about ... you
talk in the book about geothermal energy...
O'BRIEN: ...and that is, as I understand it,
using the heat that's generated from the core of the earth ...
GORE: Yeah.
O'BRIEN: create energy, and it sounds
to me like an evil plan by Lex Luthor to defeat Superman. Can you, can you tell
me, is this a viable solution, geothermal energy?
GORE: It definitely is, and it's a relatively
new one. People think about geothermal energy - when they think about it at all
- in terms of the hot water bubbling up in some places, but two kilometers or
so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, 'cause the
interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust
of the earth is hot ...
On Tuesday, National Review's John Derbyshire noted:
The geothermal gradient is usually quoted as 25-50 degrees Celsius
per mile of depth in normal terrain (not, e.g., in the crater of Kilauea). Two kilometers down,
therefore, (that's a mile and a quarter if you're not as science-y as Al)
you'll have an average gain of 30-60 degrees - exploitable for things like home
Chelmer Office Services
10 Central Avenue Graceville
Q 4075
Ph: 3379 2555
Fax: 33792 375
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2012
9:00 AM
To: roger hobbs; George Lloyd;
Geoff Derrick; Martin Booker; paul melville; Paul Burrell
Subject: Unsual for their ABC to
be running this.....
And, for good measure, today I heard Tim
Flannery, a man for whom hyperbole is an artform, say that 70 million native
animals are killed each day by cats, presumably feral and domestic…..
Hi Kim and Viv
Three in three days – quite an overload, and so far none published. My chest is lighter however.
Letter to Editor, The Australian, sent Sunday 9 Jan 2011.
Mr Steketee (Weekend Australian 8 Jan 2011) needs to tread carefully in the highly manipulated world of climate and weather statistics. Quoting data from the UN World Meteorological Organisation is suspect because the WMO jointly created the IPCC, which is dedicated to proving that anthropogenic warming is happening regardless of evidence. The British Met Office is in disarray for its conflicting and error-prone forecasts provided to the UK, while in New Zealand the national weather body abandoned their official temperature records because of manipulation of past data by the government agency. In Australia, the BOM is no different to many other data collection agencies around the world in selective manipulation of older raw data records downwards (i.e. cooler), thus making the overall trend appear warmer to the present. This effect is also achieved by closing of thousands of data stations around the world, most in the cooler regions, thus leading to a warming bias. Recent high-quality ice core data from Greenland shows that of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 2010, with no relation to CO2, while the longest instrumental record in the world in central England shows that December 2010 was the second coldest December dating back to 1659. Australian raw data shows that we have warmed only 0.6oC since 1910, and Mr Steketee needs to look at the less alarmist bigger picture and to be better informed about the work of experts such as Professor Bob Carter.
G M Derrick
The Australian: Letter to the Editor
8 January 2011
Andy Pitman (Australian 7 January 2011) is just another climate alarmist who now wants to bet each way - all cooling and all warming are now a product solely of man’s contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere. The evidence for this is slight to non-existent, and Pitman appeals to authority by wanting to give the planet the ’benefit of the doubt.’ Pitman is a climate modeller whose models have about as much scientific credibility as the recent foray by Tim Flannery into the world of Gaia – his predicted tropospheric hotspot has simply failed to materialize. Recent observational science of Greenland ice cores, as distinct from modelling, shows that of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 2010. Some 2010 peer reviewed papers so beloved by Pitman clearly show no direct correlation between anthropogenic CO2 and global warming, and to assume, like Pitman, that the ‘science is settled’ is just another academic travesty.
G M Derrick
53 Lilly Street
Sherwood Q 4075
7 January 2011
The Editor
The Australian
Currently all levels of government and a generous population are planning to spend at least $6 billion and counting to repair and renew the flood damage to people, agriculture, mining and infrastructure which comprise the engine room of our economy. At the same time the Federal Government is planning to spend billions more dollars in the guise of a carbon tax, as part of a futile gesture to reduce emissions of a non-toxic and life-supporting gas by a few parts per million by 2050. Two things are clear: one, our agricultural industry wants more, not less of this harmless non-toxic gas because it makes plants grow and civilizations flourish, and two, the government’s carbon tax will typically be another total waste of taxpayer’s money blown against the wall, squandered in the name of unproven and faltering science and a nonsensical Labor-Green idealogical purity.
G M Derrick
53 Lilly Street
Sherwood Q 4075
From: Kim.Stanton-Cook
Sent: Thursday, 24 December 2009 12:43 PM
To: 'Terrence Sweetman'
Subject: Seasons Greetings from the Anthropogenic Climate Change
Sceptics (Militant Wing)
…..or, what we Anthropogenic Climate Change Sceptics do to
entertain ourselves when we’re not being scorned, vilified and condemned by
journalists …….
Now, for your holiday entertainment, try the
(minor BBC4 promo in
front, be patient, Clive’s discourse is very good)
Darwin Data:
The sad state of affairs re climate change:
Happened to Global Warming?:
impassioned finale to Lord Monckton’s appeal to the American people:
Change – So What?”
by Hans Schreuder:
The Falsification of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects
Within the Frame of Physics
– Gerlich, G., Tscheuschner, R.D., Jan6, 2009:
RICH on alarmism…..
KS-C: I’ve reverted to the very
simple and mundane when arguing with alarmists (although they’re becoming hard
to find in the circles I move in, or will be moving out of, like the GSA)
Global temperatures (air & ocean) have been measured mostly
over the last 150 years with mercury thermometers with one degree graduations.
We’re not talking precision here even before we get to the heat island effects.
Same degree of accuracy in measuring global sea levels – also
difficult to find, may need FOI……
Earth’s life forms invariably exploit abundance and if there’s
an abundance of, say, CO2, those organisms with the capacity to use it will
prosper and grow.
CO2 has dropped out of the alarmists lexicon, replaced by the
original greenhouse gases catch-all as they realised we were on to their
unsustainable argument. Did I send you this simple but straight-forward
explanation of CO2’s contribution – Hawaii
I’m going to burn sulphides, generate power, make sulphuric acid
for sale and for leaching our copper out of the roaster calcine……. and
claim carbon credits – I love the irony!
GMD Letter to the Editor – The Australian
Correspondent P Machanick (Letters, 20 October) states
that mainstream science supporting anthropogenic global warming (AGW) has held
up well against skeptical science. I beg to differ. There is more valuable
science coming from the skeptics than from any Global Warming theory based on
computer modeling. The IPCC has simply omitted data that was contrary to
its predetermined outcomes, as shown by discredited hockey stick graphs and
recent controversy over tree rings in Siberia and the Urals; the man-made
hotspot predicted by the ICCP models has yet to materialize in our planet’s
equatorial troposphere; there has been no ocean heat buildup for the last 50
years, icecaps are within normal ranges, and oceans are currently cooling
slightly; rises in carbon dioxide are shown to follow, not cause, temperature
increases evident in ice cores from the past 400,000 years, and sea levels are
not rising abnormally. On the soon-to be drowned Maldives, described by some as
the Island of Mad, there has been no sea level rise for 1200 years. When
someone in the IPCC can actually prove anthropogenic CO2 emissions
cause global warming and all the other predicted disasters, they may deserve
the Nobel science prize.
Meanwhile, the AGW theory has been called “Fraud with
Lipstick”. Based on emerging skeptical science, pursuit of AGW and an ETS by
ill-informed governments will be one of the most costly scientific delusions of
the past century.
G M Derrick
Thanks to
Andrew Bolt:
Green groups sent
polar bears to get a deal at Copenhagen:
Now Brisbane greens punish their negotiators
for their failure:
…..and from the
indefatigable Viv Forbes….
Carbon Sense Opposing
pollution of the atmosphere and the mind. CS
91217 Dec 2009
Please Spread “Carbon Sense” Around.
Talk to friends and neighbours. Keep sowing the seeds.
If images are lost or
format mangled in transmission, you can link to a print friendly PDF of this
newsletter here:
from Europe.”
Germany’s promotion of renewable energies is commonly portrayed in
the media as setting a “shining example in providing a harvest for the world”
(The Guardian 2007), we would instead regard the country’s experience as a
cautionary tale of massively expensive environmental and energy policy that
is devoid of economic and environmental benefits.” Full
report see: |
Green Energy – some lessons
from Europe
the Rudd climate regiment is stuck in Copenhagen, achieving not much, they
should look beyond their posh hotel for some lessons in energy generation.
slip over to France and note how these wily promoters of carbon rationing rely on
nuclear power for 76% of their own energy.
visit UK and observe the frenzied construction of coal mines and nuclear
power stations to prevent future blackouts caused by UK’s silly dalliance with
costly and unreliable wind farms.
miss out on Spain where the cost of subsidising green energy has created a
financial crisis and destroyed 2.2 real jobs for every green job “created”.
could also visit Scandinavia, which relies heavily on hydro power, or Iceland,
where geothermal power is easily harnessed. No wonder these countries are
relaxed about imposing carbon Ration-N-Tax Schemes on the rest of us.
quick trip to Moscow could reveal how the cunning Russians, despite their well
known scepticism about the west’s thermo-mania, have managed to trick Europe
into buying huge quantities of gas together with the millions of emissions
permits needed to burn it. Boris loves the ETS.
next door in Germany, Minister Wong could find out how the Greens have left
Germany dangerously reliant on Russian gas. The German gamble with alternate
energy has produced little power and no environmental benefits at great cost.
without leaving Copenhagen, Mr Rudd could easily discover how the forests of
Danish windmills have produced little useful power and large financial losses
for the suffering Danes. Freezing Copenhagen is heated mainly by imported
Chinese however are happy with “Green Energy Europe” – they are busy
manufacturing most of the world’s solar panels and wind turbines, emitting much
carbon dioxide in the process.
short European trip will illustrate the stupidity of Australia promoting a
carbon Ration-N-Tax Scheme and dreaming that we can maintain our industry and
our lifestyle on costly and totally unreliable alternate energy sources like
wind and solar.
2. Nature Snows on the global warming circus in
Gore Effect strikes again.
of people demonstrated and complained outside the meeting hall in Copenhagen
yesterday at having to wait for up to ELEVEN HOURS IN THE FREEZING COLD, to get
into the meeting to complain about GLOBAL WARMING!
people were trying to get into a room with capacity of 15,000. Sounds like CRU
at East Anglia did the counting.
3. Gutter Tactics from the IPCC – Scare the Children.
Watch this
unbelievable horror video shown at the opening for the Copenhagen Climate
Change Circus:
illustrates the lengths and depths to which the individuals behind this
movement are prepared to descend.
4. One hundred reasons why global warming is natural
The Daily
EXpress lists 100 reasons:
The tide has
turned with the public, and the media has sensed it. But the thermo-maniacs
will not give up easily. They are close to their fond goal of putting the
western world in chains to fund the biggest redistribution of wealth the world
has ever seen. The whole scam is about as honest as a porno magazine with a
picture of mother Teresa on the cover.
5. Free Sex at Gropenhagen
Now we know
why so many world leaders have decided to attend after all!
6. New Climate Consensus – Global Warming is caused by
rising US postal charges.
Here is a
correlation better than the temperature vs carbon dioxide correlation
supporting Al Gore’s Thermo-mania – global warming is driven by US postal
charges. See:
7. Twelve days at CarbonHagen
For those
who missed it here is "The 12 Days of Global Warming at CarbonHagen:
8. Thriving WITH Nature and Humanity
The genuine environment and
conservation movement is one of the most important social movements on Earth.
Yet, its credibility is endangered by confused and fearful politicians,
alarmist activists, sensationalist media and prominent extremists with
financial conflicts of interest.
Today we hear constant messages
about the changing climate and the dire consequences that may have for our
beautiful planet. Hearing loud, contradictory accusations and predictions of
planetary doom you may feel confused about what and who to believe. Supposed
experts disagree on both what is happening to our planet and the causes of what
is happening. Yet we’re told there is universal agreement global warming was
caused by humans…
It’s clear our climate,
including temperatures, continually varies. Examination of this ongoing
variation becomes alarm when doom is predicted from the presence of humans on
Earth. Many people feel powerless and immobilised which only deepens their mix
of confusion, desperation, apathy and panic…
You may think global warming
needs to be treated as seriously as pollution yet they’re actually different
issues and we should be even more concerned about the core issue - climate
alarm. That’s because throughout human history actions driven by fear produced
solutions far worse than the initial perceived problem.
The above
are extracts from a masterful paper by Malcolm Roberts. See the full paper by
9. Finally, Is the Earth Warming or Cooling? It depends.
See Bob
Carter on the GW hoax:
all for now.
Viv Forbes
“Carbon Sense” is a newsletter
produced by the Carbon Sense Coalition, an Australian based organisation which
opposes waste of resources, opposes pollution, and promotes the rational and
sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. Please spread “Carbon
Sense” around. For more information visit our web
site at Literary, financial or other
contributions to help our cause are welcomed. Viv Forbes MS 23,
Rosewood Qld 4340
07 5464 0533 |
compilation courtesy of……
Kim Stanton-Cook
Managing Director
Golden Cross Resources
22 Edgeworth David Ave
T: 02 9472 3500
F: 02 9482 8488
M: 0411 504 512
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