Challenging Unconscious Bias to Advance Diversity


WIMnet NSW invites you to an interactive presentation on Unconscious Bias versus Ingrained Habits led by Simon Corcoran, Project Delivery and Diversity Leader, Australia and Diversity Leader Asia Pacific in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Human Capital group. 


This workshop is intended for all (male and female) who have an interest in promoting diversity in the workplace and developing an inclusive culture.


PwC has offered to share with us some ideas and work they have been using internally to help their management, from the top down, become aware of unconscious bias and understand what they can do to change behaviour, language and approach to decision-making to overcome natural bias and to minimise its impact in the organisation. 


This successful programme has received international acclaim from outside PwC and the session that Simon will run will provide a light and fun way to work through some of those age-old situations that face each of us every day.



Unconscious Bias is the latest wave streaming across the diversity world right now and there's much debate about how it actually works. PwC have found an interesting link between habit formation and bias that, if recognised and challenged, can help us in our own businesses.

Also known as Hidden Bias, Unconscious Bias arose as a way to explain why discrimination persists, even though polling and other research clearly shows that people oppose it. Initially, some researchers conjectured that people sought to hide their bias from pollsters – and simply lied about their views for fear of appearing prejudiced. However, this lack of awareness explains why bias exists today in every organisation at every level.


There are ways of minimising the unwanted impacts of bias in our organisations.

Over time our biases become habits - some good and some bad. At an organisational level the culture can breed some bad behaviour about the way certain people are treated. As leaders, we have the opportunity to foster new habits and create positive change encouraging open mindedness and an inclusive culture.


Event Details


Date:                            Thursday 2 May 2013


Time:                            2.30 – 5.30 PM with refreshment break mid-afternoon


Venue:                          PricewaterhouseCoopers

                                    Darling Park

                                    Level 10 Tower 2

                                    201 Sussex Street

                                    Sydney 2000


Cost:                            Free to attend, courtesy of the kind sponsorship of PwC


Reservations:                To register for this event, please click here.



Numbers limited so if subsequent to booking you find you are unable to attend please let Stacey Harris know at



We look forward to welcoming you at this event.


Kind regards,


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