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DATE: Thursday 21st March, 2002. 5.30pm for 6pm
VENUE: Rugby Club, Rugby Place, Circular Quay
SPEAKER: Bob White & Steve Collins
TOPIC: "New Developments and Case Histories of 3D IP Surveys"
The real 'Glass
About two years ago major revolution occurred in the usefulness
of Induced Polarisation (IP) data for mineral exploration. This revolution
was due to the implementation of three dimensional inversion techniques.
These techniques allow the 3D visualisation of electrical properties of the
the earth, and in particular the three dimensional mapping of IP effect
which is directly correllatable to sulphide content. In other words it
is now possible to see the distribution of sulphides in the earth with
real depths and locations as distinct from the now obsolete
'pseudo-sections' previously used for IP display and interpretation.
These distributions of minerals can be readily visualised using existing
free software. Links to Bob White at Tooronga Resources & Steve Collins at ARCTAN Services
The Feedjit SMEDG Visitor Map Earth'!
Early use of this powerful software was directed toward reinterpretation
of existing data but for the last eighteen months Steve and Bob have
been developing field techniques which are inexpensive, use existing hardware
and contractors and are optimised for producing data for the inversion
software. The result is a field technique which gathers up to 10 times the
amount of data gathered through old-fashioned survey procedures for the
same survey cost.
The talk will concentrate on case histories of relatively well known
prospects. The successes, failures, benefits and limitations of these
new procedures will be discussed. Examples of 3D visualisation of
these data which use existing 'freeware' will be given.
Bob and Steve are both independent consultant geophysicists based in
Sydney. Between them they have more than 60 years experience in mineral
exploration in Eastern Australia and overseas. Bob is currently
treasurer of the ASEG. Steve is a committee member of SMEDG.
Rugby Club Location Map - Click to Enlarge
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