DATE: Tuesday 26 November 1991. 5.15pm
VENUE: 1st Floor, Rugby Club, Crane Place, Sydney
SPEAKER: Urpo Kuronen - Outokumpu Exploration Australia Pty Ltd
TOPIC: "Russian Lithogeochemistry: Case Histories from Finland and Australia"
Urpo was involved with two Russian geochemists and one geologist over
a period of months on an international exploration programme surrounding
the Vihanti Zinc deposit in Finland.
The Russian Geological Survey has developed geochemical methods for
prospecting since the 1930's and has developed it to become an
effective tool for the discovery of both outcropping and hidden deposits
by the manipulation of the data from the primary ore-forming geochemical
halo surrounding mineral deposits.
Urpo will discuss the primary research project surrounding the Vihanti Mine
and the subsequent exploration, and show examples of displaying the geochemical
data from both Finnish and Australian examples he has worked on.
Reminder: XMAS CRUISE - Thursday 12th December - $30
Membership Renewal Due ($20 to Committee please)