DATE: Thursday 11th June 1998 - 5.30pm for 6pm

VENUE: 1st Floor, Rugby Club, Rugby (Crane) Place, Sydney

SPEAKERS: Mr David Garnett

TOPIC: "Trends in Exploration Geochemistry - Going Boldly into the New Millennium"

Geochemical exploration techniques are widely used in mineral exploration and have been responsible for many discoveries. In most cases the approach has been relatively straight forward: define surface anomalies - drill - define orebody - dig it up. For every deposit that has been found using these unsophisticated methods there are probably at least an equal number that remain undetected. How can we improve our strike rate? Are we fully exploiting all the options at our disposal, and where is exploration geochemistry taking us as we move into the new millennium?
David Garnett is General Manager of Becqueral Laboratories and is the immediate Past President of the Association of Exploration Geochemists. His talk will focus on trends in exploration geochemistry, both in the laboratory and in the field.


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SECOND CLUE:Find the Vancouver Exploration Discussion Group link. One of the talks presented there was also presented to SMEDG. The Third Clue is at the bottom of that Notice of Meeting.