The mineral discovery process is a multi-phase decision making process. It deals with the investment of exploration capital into a potential asset, the undiscovered ore deposit.Exploration risk is the potential loss of this capital.It can be assessed by modelling the uncertainty in the NPV of undiscovered deposits within a prospective terrain.To do this, processes such as Monte Carlo simulation are required to integrate geological and economic uncertainty.
Darryn has over 15 years experience in base-metal,
copper, gold and uranium exploration with such companies BP Minerals, Freeport,
Zapopan and BHP Minerals.He is
currently studying his PhD in mathematical geology at the W.H. Bryan
Mining Geology Research Centre, University of Queensland, while operating a
small geology consultancy, Geo Logical Pty. Ltd., with his wife Linda.
Time & Place: Tuesday 19th June 2001 5.15 for 6.00pm
The Theodore Club
Level 1,
333 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE
Cost: $6.00 + cash bar; (includes finger food etc)
If you have received this flyer by post or facsimile and wish to use your email address please advise Doug Young at
Ross Logan
Dave Horton
Geoff Derrick
Doug Young
Geoff Murphy
Ph:- 3891 7075 |
3378 1778 |
3379 2555 |
3369 8396 |
3374 2095 |
Fax |
3878 1969 |
3379 2375 |
3369 0479 |
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