SMEDG, which has recently celebrated 50 years since formation, holds monthly meetings, free and open to anyone interested in mineral exploration and related topics. Attendance is usually about 40, occasionally 80 – 100. SMEDG is a not-for-profit organisation, run by a volunteer committee and funded by the proceeds of its biennial Symposia and Mines and Wines. Funding of events is as close to ‘at-cost’ as we can make it, with sufficient left over to pay for 10 meetings per year at Club York, 95-97 York Street, and to underwrite the next Symposium.
SMEDG acknowledges the massive input from the late David Timms, who organised our Sydney Harbour Cruises every year.
This web site was originally created, by Steve Collins in July 1999, to provide news of meetings for the now 700-strong SMEDG Community
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