Buy Geology of Queensland:a milestone in geological knowledge


The Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) invites you to purchase its new book, Geology of Queensland, a modern and comprehensive description and detailed analysis of the State’s geology.

Geology of Queenslandis a vital tool for all geoscientists,including exploration professionals,teachers and students.Anyone who studies aspects of the physical world such as environment,soils, water and landscapes will welcome this book.

What does Geology of Queenslandoffer?

970 pages (4kg) in hard cover with new authoritive text
700 full colour figures, maps and photographs
59 expert authors including Queensland’s fore most geoscientists.


About the book

Contents included chapters on regional geology, thematicchapters on Queensland’s major geological components,and reviews of the State’s mineral and energy resources.Find out more about the book.
Price A$75plus postage and packing. A$68.20 plus postage and packing if purchased and delivered outside Australia.

Howto buy

Order online now or emailfor moreinformation.


Geology of Queensland will become a standard reference for future generations of geologists. Purchase your copy now. 


Brad John
Chief Government Geologist
Geological Survey of Queensland


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