DATE: Thursday February 10th 1999 - 5.30pm for 6pm
VENUE: 1st Floor, Rugby Club, Rugby (Crane) Place, Sydney
SPEAKERS: Ian Levy and Steve Webster
TOPIC: "The Gympie Gold Discoveries - New Exploration Methods in an Historic Goldfield"
Most historic goldfields in eastern Australia died from exhaustion and reopening them
is like raising the dead - you need more than luck. The area around the modern Gympie gold mine missed
out on the 1980's gold exploration boom but is being intensively explored using modern
airborne geophysics, high sensitivity geochemistry and basic geological remapping using the knowledge gleaned from the
current mine geology. The creative tension between the four disciplines has provided the spark
of inspiration needed for success.
Two new gold-bearing porphyry prospects and 14 shallow mesothermal gold vein targets have been discovered in two distinct geological settings,
all within 40 kms of the Gympie Gold mill. For the evaluation of each gold vein prospect a litho-geochemical
discrimination method was developed to help distinguish between barren quartz veins and zero grade quartz veins at the edge of ore zones.
Ian Levy is General Manager Development for Gympie Gold Limited and Steve Webster is a Geophysical Consultant
The Gympie Gold Story - Ron Cunneen & Ian Levy
Paper from the Exploration Strategies Symposium April 2001