Silver City Minerals at Broken Hill – Chris Torrey

Silver City Minerals Limited has been one of the most active explorers in the Broken Hill district since 2010. With the help of some highly experienced Broken Hill geologists it has mapped, sampled, surveyed, flown, drilled and pondered the complexities of the ore settings at Broken Hill.

The Company controls 1,170 square kilometres of tenure in the district and its main projects lie within 25 km of town.

Chris Torrey is going to talk about the ore setting. This is not new stuff but sets the scene for a whole-of-mineral-system approach to targeting. And of course that’s the tricky part; while many studies have contributed to the understanding of the mineral system at Broken Hill, no-one has been able to put an X on a map of the district and say this is the next one. No one has found the magic bullet that has discovered the next Broken Hill. Well, the Silver City team is once again up for the challenge.

Chris will discuss what tools there are to assist the targeting process; what works, what helps, what doesn’t; he will talk about what we think we know and what we don’t, and he will be so bold as to put X’s on a map in preparation for the Silver City team to give it another nudge in the upcoming field season. The talk will be a mixture of fact and fiction, and in Broken Hill you can never be sure which is which.

Rugby Club, 5:30pm, Thursday 26th February, 2015