The Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group (SMEDG) and the New South Wales Branch of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) have combined again to convene this Exploration Under Cover Symposium.


Exploration Under Cover was the theme chosen by this year’s Organising Committee in recognition of the cutting-edge work done, by many researchers and explorers, to detect ore bodies beneath deep cover. Notwithstanding the downturn in the global minerals industry, and the subsequent reduction in exploration effort, some explorers continue to push the boundaries of our geological, geophysical and geochemical techniques in the search for a new discovery. They are convinced that the next generation of world-class deposits will be found in previously unexplored and covered rocks, beyond the reach of conventional exploration techniques.


We have been fortunate in being able to assemble an outstanding group of authors and presenters, as well as trade and poster displays, to provide insights into the latest developments in geological modelling, geophysical system advances and geochemical techniques. The Short Course program, conducted prior to the Symposium has offered the opportunity to discuss and participate in hands-on data interpretation in a range of geoscientific fields.


All this has been run at low cost, in keeping with the SMEDG-AIG philosophy of providing all participants, regardless of affiliation, with forums for the dissemination and advancement of geoscientific knowledge. For this we thank our sponsors, the authors and presenters, and the registrants, whose attendance and support in the past has underwritten this Symposium and Short Courses, and the ones to come. This year sees a change in venue, driven by previous problems with space. Whilst numbers this year are down on previous Symposia, it is hoped that the excellent facilities here at Shore School will be available to us in the years to come. The Headmaster and Staff of the School are thanked for their assistance and we look forward to a continuing and mutually beneficial relationship.


The Organising Committee members have applied themselves cheerfully with the enthusiasm and voluntary sacrifice that typify people who throw themselves into organising these events and their efforts and help are much appreciated. Others who have provided invaluable assistance are Roger Smyth-King (Graphics), Robyn Hee (Registrations), Mike Smith (Editing), Horst Bartetzko and Peter Ross (Shore) and David Clappison (Mailouts). Golden Cross Resources NL, Cyprus Amax Corporation, Arctan Services and Millennium Minerals NL are thanked for the office services and back up provided to the Committee.


The late Lindsay Ingall’s contribution to the early stages of this Symposium, and those before it, is gratefully acknowledged, as are the efforts of Pam Ingall. Lindsay is missed, but his advice to us all lives on, “When the going gets tough, don’t lose your sense of humour!”

Kim Stanton-Cook, Chairman-Organising Committee.



Steve Collins

John Cramsie

Bob Handfield

Bruce Hooper

Phil Hellman

Sam Lees

Peter Lewis

Kim Stanton-Cook

Chris Torrey

David Timms

Arctan Services


Cyprus Amax

Straits Resources

Hellman & Schofield

Michelago Resources


Millennium Minerals

Golden Cross