DATE: Thursday 24th August 2000 – 5.30pm for 6pm
VENUE: 1st Floor, Rugby Club, Rugby (Crane) Place, Sydney
SPEAKER: Glenn Jones
TOPIC: “The Change of Australia’s Geodetic Datum”
All SMEDG members will by now be aware of the introduction of the GDA (Geocentric Datum of Australia) as it affects everyone involved in maps, GPS, GIS navigation or cadastral boundaries (including exploration licences). This presentation will introduce the concept of a datum, compare the old with the new and explain the difference. A progress report on who is doing what about changing to GDA will be presented. An overview of recent developments in the use of GPS and how GPS ties into the GDA will also be given.
Glenn Jones is a Trig Surveyor with 20 years experience in Geodesy and GPS applications. He is currently the GDA Promotions Officer with the Land Information Centre at Bathurst NSW and is also chair of the national ICSM (Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping) Geocentric Datum Promotions Working Group.
The latest AMG to GDA grid transformation programs for NSW etc are available from the following site:
(Thanks to Neil F. Rutherford Rutherford Mineral Resource Consultants)
For more information on the change from AGD to GDA
AUSLIG Australia’s National Mapping Agency